Ssl In Chrome

Does your website need an SSL Certificate?

November 5, 2018

Security is a big deal for you and your customers and modern browsers point out when a website doesn't have basic security measures in place. An SSL Certificate is a good way to boost trust and keep your customer's information secure. Whether or not you have an SSL certificate can also impact how you rank in google searches. We'll cover the different options and even talk about a no cost method to get an SSL Certificate that make the decision of whether or not to get one a no brainer.

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Pwa Lighthouse

Auditing your Website with Google Chrome Lighthouse

October 8, 2018

Google Chrome just celebrated it's 10 year anniversary a few days ago so what better way to observe that than to show off one of it's many awesome features. Lighthouse in Google Chrome is an auditing tool for your website that gives great feedback on areas of your website that can be improved in 5 key areas: Performance, Progressive Web App, Best Practices, Accessibility, and SEO. Let's get started!

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